VPN Troubleshooting

Most users get onto WOW VPN straight away without any problems but from time to time you may get a problem when first setting up the connection, below are the most common issues which usually don't take very long to resolve. If you have a problem which is not listed below please get intouch.
I get Error 619 when trying to connect
I get Error 691 or 734 when trying to connect
I get Error 800 when trying to connect
I get an 'Authentication Failed' message
I use a 3g internet dongle & get error 619
Sometimes I can't connect to WOW VPN
I get Error 619 when trying to connect
A 619 error is caused by your modem/router/firewall blocking the VPN connection.
Rebooting your modem and then trying to reconnect can often fix the problem, or if you have access to your router configuration disabling your firewall, then reboot your router.
If you are a more advanced user simply allowing/opening VPN Port 1723 on your router will resolve the issue and/or enabling UPnP on your router.
I get Error 691 or 734 when trying to connect
If you get a 691 or 734 error when trying to connect you have entered the wrong username & password combination, your credentials are case sensitive so ensure you type them exactly as they appear in your welcome email or member portal.
Always type in your username and password rather than using copy and paste as the latter can often add an additional space to the end.
I get Error 800 when trying to connect
Error 800 usually means your Windows firewall is blocking the connection, by disabling Windows firewall or opening VPN port 1723 you will allow the connection to not be rejected. Remember to reboot your computer after making the change.
If after performing these steps you still get the same error message refer to Error 619 above which will resolve the issue.
I get an 'Authentication Failed' message
If you are a Mac user and get the message 'Authentication Failed' when trying to connect please refer to Error 619 above which will resolve the issue.
I use a 3g internet dongle & get error 619
It is rare but some 3g internet dongles cannot handle VPN traffic, if you get a 619 error when using a 3g internet dongle nothing can be done to fix this problem other than using an alternative way of connecting to the internet, please contact us if you get this problem.
Sometimes I can't connect to WOW VPN
WOW VPN is a very reliable service and you should never be in a position where you simply cannot connact.
However if you are in an apartment block which has shared or managed internet we have seen cases where some users simply can't connect from time to time, it is vary rare but this is likely to be because the router feeding the entire apartment block's internet can only handle one VPN connection at a time, if someone else is also using a VPN service at that moment it is stopping you from connecting.
The same can apply if more than one person in a house hold is using a VPN, in rare cases the modem being used can only handle one VPN connection at a time, we recommend switching to an internet modem than can handle multiple VPN connections.